Some of you may know that I’ve had a book in mind, called Marks and Meaning, for many years. I’ve made a couple of prototypes. It’s been on the shelf, in the back of my mind, for a long time, because I’m unsure how to proceed with it. This week I started thinking about how it might work as a graphic novel. I still am not sure what it is or where it’s going, but I thought I’d share this beginning of an exploration. Let me know what you think.
That’s it. Six pages, for now. The first two versions of the book are available online at They are nothing like what you see here. More like something between a book draft and a sketchbook, a compilation of notes and sketches that might one day become a book. I’m not sure about the graphic novel format, partly because I’m still not sure who the book is for or what it’s about. For now it’s a catch-all for my still-in-progress “theory of everything.” Visual thinking. Visual language. Landscape storytelling. Will it be a graphic novel? A course in the form of a workbook? I don’t know.
If you’re interested in peeking into my workflow, I’ve added links to the first two versions below. It comes with a warning label so please read that before you click buy!
But I do hope you’ll join me on this journey and help me think about how to shape it.
I have the first (zero) edition on my favorite books shelf and still go back to it for inspiration. I like the graphic novel evolution!
I do! Great book