Hey there friends!
I haven’t written you in a while so I thought I would share an update, along with a few links to things you might find interesting.
I remain committed to sketching out the School of the Possible. I’ve really enjoyed hosting an open Zoom call every Friday. It’s super-informal. We just chat about things we are working on, things we’ve been inspired by, and what’s generally fueling our creative energy. My goal in hosting this was to recreate that vibe I loved so much about art school: that feeling of belonging you get when you are hitched to a group of people who are all exploring their own uniqueness and creativity in very different ways. I always leave this call energized. It’s a great capstone to the week and something I plan to continue doing.
You may see a friend or two in this group photo from last Friday.
I host call every Friday from 9 to 10:30 am Pacific time. I’d love to see you there. Here’s a link to learn more and add it to your calendar.
I’ve also been continuing to work with senior executives on developing their selling and change stories into visual explanations. I’m currently working by referral only, but if you’re a subscriber here you’re on my list. Drop me a line if I can help you with a selling or change story.
Some fun links for you to explore.
Here are a few links you might find interesting.
Nine habits for curious minds.
How are you doing? I’d love to catch up with you. If you have time for a 1:1 catch-up call, just send me a note by replying to this email. Or just send me a quick hello. It’s nice to know you’re out there.
Until next time,